Classes with +Play & Learn have extra play and learning activities for kids ready for an older and longer class.
Private playgroup classes available, please inquire.
All classes are for Adult + Child together, no separation.
Classes created for the group's ages.

Readiness Activities & Play
For ages 2 - 3.5 years.
Email to learn about booking a playgroup class!
A is for APPLE

Playgroup Two's Classes
​Playgroup Classes for adult and child together, with Music and Movement, Art and Creativity - plus Preschool Play Activities and more independence with group playing time, exploring blocks and puzzles, dramatic play, letter play and number songs are incorporated as children are ready for more early learning.
Combine preschool prep activities with class favorites: Fun energetic, interactive music time, hands on open ended process art, simple art projects, story time and more!
We will sing about our letters and numbers, count, sort colors and shapes, sing about days of the week, and explore weekly learning themes with fun, playful learning.
Private Playgroups & Two's Readiness Programming: With a twos playgroups preschool readiness class parents also get fun, easy to do after class learning activities, with after-class links, printable sheets and fun thematic and guided play ideas to continue and repeat class' themes during the week.
Engaging Themes & Early Learning.
Learning is Fun!
Learning Is Creative!

Want To Host A Playgroup? (18 months- 3 years old)
Playful Learning activities include Art, Sensory, Science, Letters, Language, Literacy and Math play.
Taught with fun learning themes - all in a fun, age-appropriate way! Kids love to learn, and it always should be playful, fun and with no pressure.
Parents also get super-simple fun weekly activities, links and printables for in-between class play and learning. (Easy-peasy!)
No separation: Have fun playing and learning together in this relaxing class!
Child + Adult Classes

Adults may sit back and allow more independence, but parents must stay with their child the entire time. There is no separation, you do class together.

Hosting A Two's Playgroup/Class Details: Classes are typically 60 - 75 minutes long, Fun combo-classes adding to a Messy Art & Music class, or a Creative Play & Music class. For private playgroup's parents cam also access a class' activity page with a fun mix of weekly printables, play-to-learn ideas, info links and short videos. Fun, easy play-to-learn - and totally optional - activities for at home during the week. Don't worry it's not "homework" - just some easy ways to help you in repeating and extending the learning and play themes from class. Repetition and reminders of class learning themes are great for supporting children's comprehension and confidence. Plus, you get fun activities to do during the week!
Small Groups for individual attention: Parent + Child play classes filled with lots of individual attention, encouragement and sense of connection. Respect for the child, inclusion and responsiveness are all part of our group social experience. Private group classes available, please email to inquire.
Online Options also available: Fun engaging, interactive online play and learning.
Class Is For Two Of You Together: There is no separation. Parents and Caregivers remain solely responsible for their child's participation, safety and well being at all times. As your child develops confidence and social skills, adults may sit back more during the more independent play sections of class, but they must remain in the room and supervise their child at all times.
Make Ups: Missed Classes are welcome to be made up if there is an available Drop In Class, that is already scheduled. Make ups can also be done in another type of class or at a different location. Make ups are not guaranteed and are based on current availability.

Teaching & Talking to Kids:
The Power Of Language Is Amazing.
How we speak to children has a great impact on their self confidence and social development.
Positive social themes are supported with focused, ongoing, authentic language of praise and encouragement.
All class activities are designed to support children's self esteem, self-confidence, social and communication skills.
Communication is everything.