"...her sign language classes are fantastic. She's full of energy, knowledgeable, and a very talented musician."
- Juliette's Big List
Age-appropriate engaging classes designed for babies. Energetic, interactive music with drumming, strumming, singing - plus Baby Signing! Taught by an infant and toddler specialist, early childhood teacher and musician. FUN, holistic baby enrichment classes -- using purposeful ASL vocabulary to support baby's language, social emotional and communication skills development.
Signing with Susie is taught in a fun in-the-moment way, utilizing a responsive, brain architecture strengthening "serve & return" method with babies - encouraging babies' communication and self expression.
ASL vocabulary is taught with fun signing songs that make it easy to learn and incorporate sign into your daily routine with your baby. Throughout class Susie's focuses on and shares ways of supporting your baby's language, social emotional and cognitive development. With tips and insights on how to use signing to empower and support your baby and toddler's sense of self and confidence - as well as to express themselves and ask for their wants and needs.
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Music, Sign & Early Communication Skills
For Babies Communication Skill Development:
Signing especially with music, engages and underscores the feeling and communication as we use baby sign, making it a holistic, happy, fun learning experience for babies.
Babies and parents retain the signs more easily through song and we have fun learning them.
Babies need to express themselves!
Signing also increases the parent child bond and reduces babies' frustration and tantrums as they can communicate and have their needs met. Signing also supports children's early facility for language and communication.
Early Parent-Child Communication Supports Development
Early, responsive communication between parent and child is wonderful for your bond, but it is also supporting infant brain development, self esteem, language, comprehension, communication and social skills.
Signing With Your Baby Should Be Easy & Fun!
Baby Sign uses ASL vocabulary, but we are not using ASL grammar. Focusing on words that are part of your every day routine, or that Babies are interested in, or are fun for babies, and signs that support babies needs. Baby Sign is easy and fun.
Ask about classes for play groups.
In person or online available.​
Adorable Baby From Class Signing "More".
So cute! Sent by a class parent. Watch the baby's language comprehension and communication skills at work as he uses the sign "more".
Developing Expressive & Receptive Language Skills:
Signing is amazing for infants and toddlers communication skills. One of the truly wonderful things to see in children as they grow with sign is how the innate expressiveness of signing enhances your child's expressive language skills.
Parent's often share about an "explosive" or unexpected "blossoming" of expressive language with a child they have done baby sign with.
It Works! Watch Class Babies Signing!
Videos Sent By Class' Parents.
Drumming Toddler
Signing "Awesome!" for himself.
Using sign to encourage self-esteem!
Watch how this toddler, another student is expressing his enthusiasm for his truly awesome drumming! We use this simpler version of "awesome"to allow for babies' motor skill levels.
Signing "More" & "Please".
Sweet toddler signs to Dad.
Using sign to support social skills!
Now watch the same toddler using his signs and manners to get more Icecream. (Motivation!) Sign is also a great way to support manners and other social skill development.
Please & Thank you are wonderful signs to use early on.
Babies are so smart.
They are learning at a rate we couldn't even imagine. And they have many things to say, or ask for. Teaching infants to to communicate with sign, before their verbal skills are developed enough to express themselves well, empowers children with stronger, and more expressive communication skills, and increases the parent-infant bond. Signing also make us better, more intentional communicators with our babies.
Milk Please!
Another video sent by class parents.
"Milk" is of course one of the first signs I have parents incorporate into their daily routine with the baby. It is a wonderful feeling when you see the baby start to ask for milk, or other needs, on their own with sign.
Being able to communicate their wants and needs to you, can decrease an infant's frustration and temper tantrums.
Being able to have a need met through communication increases the bond between parent and child, and has a powerful positive effect on your child's overall communication skills and language usage.
Baby Sign is a wonderful thing to do with your baby.
Coming Soon: Baby Sign & Music Videos for at-home, self paced learning and fun! Designed to support babies developing language and communication skills.
A baby loves-it-mix, with engaging learning with music, signing songs and chants - all infused with positive reinforcement and encouragement to your child.
Full of developmental insights and parent tips for supporting your babies social-emotional development and communication skills. Video lessons are structured to be fun, to engage your baby and child, and to make learning to sign with your baby easy and fun!
ASL is a wonderful language!
We use ASL vocabulary with Baby Sign. If you decide you want to pursue learning American Sign Language that is wonderful! You will discover American Sign Language is a fascinating, powerful language. For that it is strongly recommended that you study with a Native Signer, either a Deaf Adult or a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA) who grew up signing in ASL, with its unique grammar and nuances, as their first language. You can also find ASL courses for adults in many community colleges or universities.
If you do pursue ASL studies, you will discover a beautiful language and rich culture. One that has so much to teach the hearing culture about communication.