Thanks for coming to class! ​Practice and have fun with this First Signs videos!
This is a private page, for new people from class to practice some first signs.
We do lots of signs in class. This beginner sign video is to help you get started. Remember only use a couple of signs to start. But repeat them frequently. A lot. And then repeat them some more.
It is that simple! Have Fun With this Baby's First Signs Video and tips, and let me know if you have any questions about baby sign or the baby sign tips!
Have fun signing with the baby. See you in class!
Sign is such a wonderful thing to do with your baby!
See this page if you want to read more about the benefits of Baby Sign:
"Milk", "More", "All Done"
With parent-teaching techniques for effective communication and signing with your baby.
Introducing Your First Baby Signs:
"Milk", "More", "All Done"
Begin with signs for things your baby relates to such as MILK, or MORE. These signs are easy to work into your daily routine.
Introduce only 2- 3 signs into your routine at first.
Don't overwhelm the baby with too many signs at first. You want to give the baby a chance to start to get the idea that you are communicating with your hands.
How to use the "MILK" sign: Whenever you go to give a bottle or nurse, do the "milk" sign and repeat it several times as you sign. "Do you want milk, do you want milk, do you want milk.?" Repetition is the key.
Use this method with the signs "more" and "all done"
Ask & Sign together. Then answer the question yourself.
Do You Want Milk? Milk? Milk? Yes you want Milk, Milk, Milk" as you sign. Repeat it a few times times in a row.
Thinking Like A Baby:
Signing "ALL DONE"
Introduce the "ALL DONE" sign to your baby early. Use it at the end of all your activities and routines with the baby. Help your baby understand and be more comfortable with endings and transitions.
Transitions Cam Be Challenging For Babies
Babies tend to not like endings and transitions. They do not really get the concept of "later" or "not now" yet.
Everything is so in the moment for babies. Changes and endings can stress some babies a bit.
The "ALL DONE" sign can help your baby become more comfortable with endings and transitioning.
How Does Signing "ALL" DONE Help My Baby?​
A familiar consistent routine cue of signing "ALL DONE" can help a baby become more comfortable with transitions.
Eventually they recognize the cue. Still, try to always be patient and take your time with transitioning, as well as giving babies consistent cues.
How Do I Use It?
Use the words and sign "ALL DONE" at the end of; eating, playing, diaper changes. and any time during the day there's a change or ending of an activity.
Alternatively Babies' Can Signal "ALL DONE."
Some babies start to sign ALL DONE themselves, when they are full, or have had enough.
What It Might Look Like: How To Respond
Watch your babies hands, after a while of signing to them, for any little "flipping" movements for ALL DONE.
If you spot one of these hand movements, acknowledge and echo back to your child "Yes, you are all done. I see you signing all done!" and model the sign as you say it.
When in doubt, respond. It is important to infants' development to be responsive to their communications and any attempts.
Even if you are not 100% sure, respond anyway. You could just say "I think you are signing All Done".
It is very powerful, and more important to be responsive to these movements and communications, even more than knowing exactly what your baby is trying to communicate at the early stages.
Signing MORE can also mean "I like that!"
Baby Sign Techniques for Parents
1. Repetition, repetition. and .... more repetition.
Repetition is how your child will be able to comprehend and use sign.
2. Ask & Answer Technique:
Model a verbal exchange by speaking the question and answer.
This demonstrating supports your baby's communication skills.
3. Open Ended Questions:
This means asking "Are you hungry?" instead of stating "You are hungry". Pretty simple but powerful.
Of course don't wait to feed a hungry baby. But just posing it as a question, gives your child an opportunity to develop more self identification.
Is allows for the Baby to wonder, "Am I?" "Yes I'm hungry!" Or "Nope, I am not."